



From a theoretical point of view, we define “revision 5 of directory foo” to mean a specific collection of directory entries and properties. Now suppose we start adding and removing files from foo, and then commit. It would be a lie to say that we still have revision 5 of foo. However, if we bumped foo's revision number after the commit, that would be a lie too; there may be other changes to foo we haven't yet received, because we haven't updated yet.

Subversion通过在.svn区域偷偷的纪录添加和删除来处理这些问题,当你最后运行svn update,所有的账目会到版本库结算,并且目录的新修订版本号会正确设置。因此,只有在更新之后才可以真正安全地说我们有了一个“完美的”修订版本目录。在大多数时候,你的工作拷贝会保存“不完美的”目录修订版本。

Similarly, a problem arises if you attempt to commit property changes on a directory. Normally, the commit would bump the working directory's local revision number. But again, that would be a lie, as there may be adds or deletes that the directory doesn't yet have, because no update has happened. Therefore, you are not allowed to commit property changes on a directory unless the directory is up to date.
