

Understanding Locales
Subversion's Use of Locales
Using External Editors
Using External Differencing and Merge Tools
外置 diff
外置 diff3

Version control can be a complex subject, as much art as science, that offers myriad ways of getting stuff done. Throughout this book, you've read of the various Subversion command-line client subcommands and the options that modify their behavior. In this chapter, we'll look into still more ways to customize the way Subversion works for you—setting up the Subversion runtime configuration, using external helper applications, Subversion's interaction with the operating system's configured locale, and so on.


Subversion provides many optional behaviors that can be controlled by the user. Many of these options are of the kind that a user would wish to apply to all Subversion operations. So, rather than forcing users to remember command-line arguments for specifying these options and to use them for every operation they perform, Subversion uses configuration files, segregated into a Subversion configuration area.

The Subversion configuration area is a two-tiered hierarchy of option names and their values. Usually, this boils down to a special directory that contains configuration files (the first tier), which are just text files in standard INI format (with “sections” providing the second tier). These files can be easily edited using your favorite text editor (such as Emacs or vi), and that contain directives read by the client to determine which of several optional behaviors the user prefers.


The first time that the svn command-line client is executed, it creates a per-user configuration area. On Unix-like systems, this area appears as a directory named .subversion in the user's home directory. On Win32 systems, Subversion creates a folder named Subversion, typically inside the Application Data area of the user's profile directory (which, by the way, is usually a hidden directory). However, on this platform, the exact location differs from system to system and is dictated by the Windows registry. [47] We will refer to the per-user configuration area using its Unix name, .subversion.

除了用户配置区,Subversion也提供了系统配置区,通过系统配置区,系统管理员可以为某个机器的所有用户建立缺省配置值。注意系统配置区不会规定强制性的策略—每个用户配置区都可以覆盖系统配置区中的配置项,而svn的命令行参数决定了最后的行为。在类Unix的平台上,系统配置区位于/etc/subversion目录下,在Windows平台上,系统配置区位于Application Data(再说一次,是由Windows注册表决定的)的Subversion目录中。与每用户配置区不同,svn不会试图创建系统配置区。

The per-user configuration area currently contains three files—two configuration files (config and servers), and a README.txt file, which describes the INI format. At the time of their creation, the files contain default values for each of the supported Subversion options, mostly commented out and grouped with textual descriptions about how the values for the key affect Subversion's behavior. To change a certain behavior, you need only to load the appropriate configuration file into a text editor, and to modify the desired option's value. If at any time you wish to have the default configuration settings restored, you can simply remove (or rename) your configuration directory and then run some innocuous svn command, such as svn --version. A new configuration directory with the default contents will be created.






  1. 命令行选项

  2. 用户INI配置文件

  3. 用户注册表值

  4. 系统INI配置文件

  5. 系统注册表值

Also, the Windows Registry doesn't really support the notion of something being “commented out.” However, Subversion will ignore any option key whose name begins with a hash (#) character. This allows you to effectively comment out a Subversion option without deleting the entire key from the Registry, obviously simplifying the process of restoring that option.

The svn command-line client never attempts to write to the Windows Registry and will not attempt to create a default configuration area there. You can create the keys you need using the REGEDIT program. Alternatively, you can create a .reg file (such as the one in 例 7.1 “Sample registration entries (.reg) file.”), and then double-click on that file's icon in the Explorer shell, which will cause the data to be merged into your registry.

例 7.1. Sample registration entries (.reg) file.







"#global-ignores"="*.o *.lo *.la #*# .*.rej *.rej .*~ *~ .#* .DS_Store"


The previous example shows the contents of a .reg file, which contains some of the most commonly used configuration options and their default values. Note the presence of both system-wide (for network proxy-related options) and per-user settings (editor programs and password storage, among others). Also note that all the options are effectively commented out. You need only to remove the hash (#) character from the beginning of the option names and set the values as you desire.


In this section, we will discuss the specific runtime configuration options that are currently supported by Subversion.


The servers file contains Subversion configuration options related to the network layers. There are two special section names in this file—groups and global. The groups section is essentially a cross-reference table. The keys in this section are the names of other sections in the file; their values are globs—textual tokens that possibly contain wildcard characters—that are compared against the hostnames of the machine to which Subversion requests are sent.

beanie-babies = *.red-bean.com
collabnet = svn.collab.net



When Subversion is used over a network, it attempts to match the name of the server it is trying to reach with a group name under the groups section. If a match is made, Subversion then looks for a section in the servers file whose name is the matched group's name. From that section, it reads the actual network configuration settings.

The global section contains the settings that are meant for all of the servers not matched by one of the globs under the groups section. The options available in this section are exactly the same as those that are valid for the other server sections in the file (except, of course, the special groups section), and are as follows:


This specifies a comma-separated list of patterns for repository hostnames that should be accessed directly, without using the proxy machine. The pattern syntax is the same as is used in the Unix shell for filenames. A repository hostname matching any of these patterns will not be proxied.














Subversion provides a pair of repository access modules that understand its WebDAV network protocol. The original one, which shipped with Subversion 1.0, is libsvn_ra_neon (though back then it was called libsvn_ra_dav). Newer Subversion versions also provide libsvn_ra_serf, which uses a different underlying implementation and aims to support some of the newer HTTP concepts.

At this point, libsvn_ra_serf is still considered experimental, though it appears to work in the common cases quite well. To encourage experimentation, Subversion provides the http-library runtime configuration option to allow users to specify (generally, or in a per-server-group fashion) which WebDAV access module they'd prefer to use—neon or serf.


This option is a semicolon-delimited list of authentication types supported by the Neon-based WebDAV repository access modules. Valid members of this list are basic, digest, and negotiate.


只是一个整形的掩码,底层的HTTP库Neon用来选择产生调试的输出,缺省值是0,意思是关闭所有的调试输出,关于Subversion使用Neon的详细信息,见第 8 章 嵌入Subversion










The config file contains the rest of the currently available Subversion runtime options—those not related to networking. There are only a few options in use as of this writing, but they are again grouped into sections in expectation of future additions.

The auth section contains settings related to Subversion's authentication and authorization against the repository. It contains the following:







This specifies the program Subversion will use to query the user for certain types of textual metadata or when interactively resolving conflicts. See “Using External Editors”一节 for more details on using external text editors with Subversion.


This specifies the absolute path of a differencing program, used when Subversion generates “diff” output (such as when using the svn diff command). By default, Subversion uses an internal differencing library—setting this option will cause it to perform this task using an external program. See “Using External Differencing and Merge Tools”一节 for more details on using such programs.


This specifies the absolute path of a three-way differencing program. Subversion uses this program to merge changes made by the user with those received from the repository. By default, Subversion uses an internal differencing library—setting this option will cause it to perform this task using an external program. See “Using External Differencing and Merge Tools”一节 for more details on using such programs.




This specifies the program that Subversion will use to perform three-way merge operations on your versioned files. See “Using External Differencing and Merge Tools”一节 for more details on using such programs.

tunnels小节允许你定义一个svnservesvn://客户端连接使用的管道模式,更多细节见“SSH 隧道”一节

miscellany小节是一些没法归到别处的选项。 [48]在本小节,你会找到:


When running the svn status command, Subversion lists unversioned files and directories along with the versioned ones, annotating them with a ? character (see “查看你的修改概况”一节). Sometimes, it can be annoying to see uninteresting, unversioned items—for example, object files that result from a program's compilation—in this display. The global-ignores option is a list of whitespace-delimited globs that describe the names of files and directories that Subversion should not display unless they are versioned. The default value is *.o *.lo *.la #*# .*.rej *.rej .*~ *~ .#* .DS_Store.

As well as svn status, the svn add and svn import commands also ignore files that match the list when they are scanning a directory. You can override this behavior for a single instance of any of these commands by explicitly specifying the filename, or by using the --no-ignore command-line flag.

For information on more fine-grained control of ignored items, see “忽略未版本控制的条目”一节.


This instructs Subversion to automatically set properties on newly added or imported files. The default value is no, so set this to yes to enable this feature. The auto-props section of this file specifies which properties are to be set on which files.


This variable sets the default character set encoding for commit log messages. It's a permanent form of the --encoding option (see svn选项”一节). The Subversion repository stores log messages in UTF-8 and assumes that your log message is written using your operating system's native locale. You should specify a different encoding if your commit messages are written in any other encoding.



在其他情形,有时候如果工作拷贝的文件时间戳反映了上一次在版本库中更改的时间会非常好,svn export命令会一直放置这些“上次提交的时间戳”放到它创建的目录树。通过设置这个config参数为yessvn checkoutsvn updatesvn switchsvn revert命令也会为它们操作的文件设置上次提交的时间戳。


This option, new to Subversion 1.5, specifies the path of a MIME types mapping file, such as the mime.types file provided by the Apache HTTP Server. Subversion uses this file to assign MIME types to newly added or imported files. See “自动设置属性”一节 and “文件内容类型”一节 for more about Subversion's detection and use of file content types.


The value of this option is a space-delimited list of file extensions that Subversion should preserve when generating conflict filenames. By default, the list is empty. This option is new to Subversion 1.5.

When Subversion detects conflicting file content changes, it defers resolution of that conflict to the user. To assist in the resolution, Subversion keeps pristine copies of the various competing versions of the file in the working copy. By default, those conflict files have names constructed by appending to the original filename a custom extension such as .mine or .REV (where REV is a revision number). A mild annoyance with this naming scheme is that on operating systems where a file's extension determines the default application used to open and edit that file, appending a custom extension prevents the file from being easily opened by its native application. For example, if the file ReleaseNotes.pdf was conflicted, the conflict files might be named ReleaseNotes.pdf.mine or ReleaseNotes.pdf.r4231. While your system might be configured to use Adobe's Acrobat Reader to open files whose extensions are .pdf, there probably isn't an application configured on your system to open all files whose extensions are .r4231.

You can fix this annoyance by using this configuration option, though. For files with one of the specified extensions, Subversion will append to the conflict file names the custom extension just as before, but then also re-append the file's original extension. Using the previous example, and assuming that pdf is one of the extensions configured in this list thereof, the conflict files generated for ReleaseNotes.pdf would instead be named ReleaseNotes.pdf.mine.pdf and ReleaseNotes.pdf.r4231.pdf. Because each of these files end in .pdf, the correct default application will be used to view them.


This is a boolean option that specifies whether Subversion should try to resolve conflicts interactively. If its value is yes (which is the default value), Subversion will prompt the user for how to handle conflicts in the manner demonstrated in “解决冲突(合并别人的修改)”一节. Otherwise, it will simply flag the conflict and continue its operation, postponing resolution to a later time.


This boolean option corresponds to svn commit's --no-unlock option, which tells Subversion not to release locks on files you've just committed. If this runtime option is set to yes, Subversion will never release locks automatically, leaving you to run svn unlock explicitly. It defaults to no.

The auto-props section controls the Subversion client's ability to automatically set properties on files when they are added or imported. It contains any number of key-value pairs in the format PATTERN = PROPNAME=PROPVALUE, where PATTERN is a file pattern that matches a set of filenames and the rest of the line is the property and its value. Multiple matches on a file will result in multiple propsets for that file; however, there is no guarantee that auto-props will be applied in the order in which they are listed in the config file, so you can't have one rule “override” another. You can find several examples of auto-props usage in the config file. Lastly, don't forget to set enable-auto-props to yes in the miscellany section if you want to enable auto-props.

[47] APPDATA环境变量指向Application Data目录,所以你可以通过%APPDATA%\Subversion引用用户配置区目录。

[48] 就是一个大杂烩?