However, people often want to give more human-friendly names
to tags, such as release-1.0
. And they want
to make snapshots of smaller subdirectories of the filesystem.
After all, it's not so easy to remember that release 1.0 of a
piece of software is a particular subdirectory of revision
svn copy再次登场,你希望建立一个/calc/trunk
$ svn copy http://svn.example.com/repos/calc/trunk \ http://svn.example.com/repos/calc/tags/release-1.0 \ -m "Tagging the 1.0 release of the 'calc' project." Committed revision 902.
This example assumes that a
directory already exists. (If
it doesn't, you can create it using svn
mkdir.) After the copy completes, the new
directory is forever a
snapshot of how the /trunk
looked in the HEAD
revision at the time you
made the copy. Of course you might want to be more precise
about exactly which revision you copy, in case somebody else
may have committed changes to the project when you weren't
looking. So if you know that revision 901 of
is exactly the snapshot you
want, you can specify it by passing -r 901
the svn copy command.
If you are administering a repository, there are two approaches you can take to managing tags. The first approach is “hands off”: as a matter of project policy, decide where your tags will live, and make sure all users know how to treat the directories they copy. (That is, make sure they know not to commit to them.) The second approach is more paranoid: you can use one of the access-control scripts provided with Subversion to prevent anyone from doing anything but creating new copies in the tags area (see 第 6 章 服务配置). The paranoid approach, however, isn't usually necessary. If a user accidentally commits a change to a tag directory, you can simply undo the change as discussed in the previous section. This is version control, after all!
For example, pretend your project is much larger than our
example: suppose it contains a
number of subdirectories and many more files. In the course
of your work, you may decide that you need to create a working
copy that is designed to have specific features and bug fixes.
You can accomplish this by selectively backdating files or
directories to particular revisions (using svn update
-r liberally), by switching files and directories to
particular branches (making use of svn
switch), or even just by making a bunch of local
changes. When you're done, your working copy is a hodgepodge
of repository locations from different revisions. But after
testing, you know it's the precise combination of data you
need to tag.
是时候进行快照了,拷贝URL在这里不能工作,在这个例子里,你希望把本地拷贝的布局做镜像并且保存到版本库中,幸运的是,svn copy包括四种不同的使用方式(在第 9 章 Subversion 完全参考可以详细阅读),包括拷贝工作拷贝到版本库:
$ ls my-working-copy/ $ svn copy my-working-copy \ http://svn.example.com/repos/calc/tags/mytag \ -m "Tag my existing working copy state." Committed revision 940.
Now there is a new directory in the repository,
, which is an exact
snapshot of your working copy—mixed revisions, URLs,
local changes and all.
Other users have found interesting uses for this feature. Sometimes there are situations where you have a bunch of local changes made to your working copy, and you'd like a collaborator to see them. Instead of running svn diff and sending a patch file (which won't capture directory, symlink, or property changes), you can instead use svn copy to “upload” your working copy to a private area of the repository. Your collaborator can then either check out a verbatim copy of your working copy or use svn merge to receive your exact changes.