
There are many different uses for branching and svn merge, and this section describes the most common.



Most software has a typical lifecycle: code, test, release, repeat. There are two problems with this process. First, developers need to keep writing new features while quality-assurance teams take time to test supposedly stable versions of the software. New work cannot halt while the software is tested. Second, the team almost always needs to support older, released versions of software; if a bug is discovered in the latest code, it most likely exists in released versions as well, and customers will want to get that bugfix without having to wait for a major new release.


  1. 开发者提交所有的新特性到主干。 每日的修改提交到/trunk:新特性,bug修正和其他。

  2. 这个主干被拷贝到“发布”分支。 当小组认为软件已经做好发布的准备(如,版本1.0)然后/trunk会被拷贝到/branches/1.0

  3. 项目组继续并行工作,一个小组开始对分支进行严酷的测试,同时另一个小组在/trunk继续新的工作(如,准备2.0),如果一个bug在任何一个位置被发现,错误修正需要来回运送。然而这个过程有时候也会结束,例如分支已经为发布前的最终测试“停滞”了。

  4. 分支已经作了标签并且发布,当测试结束,/branches/1.0作为引用快照已经拷贝到/tags/1.0.0,这个标签被打包发布给客户。

  5. 分支多次维护。当继续在/trunk上为版本2.0工作,bug修正继续从/trunk运送到/branches/1.0,如果积累了足够的bug修正,管理部门决定发布1.0.1版本:拷贝/branches/1.0/tags/1.0.1,标签被打包发布。



A feature branch is the sort of branch that's been the dominant example in this chapter (the one you've been working on while Sally continues to work on /trunk). It's a temporary branch created to work on a complex change without interfering with the stability of /trunk. Unlike release branches (which may need to be supported forever), feature branches are born, used for a while, merged back to the trunk, then ultimately deleted. They have a finite span of usefulness.

Again, project policies vary widely concerning exactly when it's appropriate to create a feature branch. Some projects never use feature branches at all: commits to /trunk are a free-for-all. The advantage to this system is that it's simple—nobody needs to learn about branching or merging. The disadvantage is that the trunk code is often unstable or unusable. Other projects use branches to an extreme: no change is ever committed to the trunk directly. Even the most trivial changes are created on a short-lived branch, carefully reviewed, and merged to the trunk. Then the branch is deleted. This system guarantees an exceptionally stable and usable trunk at all times, but at the cost of tremendous process overhead.

Most projects take a middle-of-the-road approach. They commonly insist that /trunk compile and pass regression tests at all times. A feature branch is only required when a change requires a large number of destabilizing commits. A good rule of thumb is to ask this question: if the developer worked for days in isolation and then committed the large change all at once (so that /trunk were never destabilized), would it be too large a change to review? If the answer to that question is “yes,” then the change should be developed on a feature branch. As the developer commits incremental changes to the branch, they can be easily reviewed by peers.


This situation is best avoided by regularly merging trunk changes to the branch. Make up a policy: once a week, merge the last week's worth of trunk changes to the branch.

At some point, you'll be ready to merge the “synchronized” feature branch back to the trunk. To do this, begin by doing a final merge of the latest trunk changes to the branch. When that's done, the latest versions of branch and trunk will be absolutely identical except for your branch changes. You would then merge back with the --reintegrate option:

$ cd trunk-working-copy

$ svn update
At revision 1910.

$ svn merge --reintegrate http://svn.example.com/repos/calc/branches/mybranch
--- Merging differences between repository URLs into '.':
U    real.c
U    integer.c
A    newdirectory
A    newdirectory/newfile
 U   .

可以用另一种考虑这种模式,你每周按时同步分支到主干,类似于在工作拷贝执行svn update的命令,最终的合并操作类似于在工作拷贝运行svn commit,毕竟,工作拷贝不就是一个非常浅的分支吗?只是它一次只可以保存一个修改。