更新:2007 年 11 月
本示例定义 RomanNumeral 和 BinaryNumeral 两个结构,并演示二者之间的转换。
C# | 复制代码 |
struct RomanNumeral { private int value; public RomanNumeral(int value) //constructor { this.value = value; } static public implicit operator RomanNumeral(int value) { return new RomanNumeral(value); } static public implicit operator RomanNumeral(BinaryNumeral binary) { return new RomanNumeral((int)binary); } static public explicit operator int(RomanNumeral roman) { return roman.value; } static public implicit operator string(RomanNumeral roman) { return ("Conversion not yet implemented"); } } struct BinaryNumeral { private int value; public BinaryNumeral(int value) //constructor { this.value = value; } static public implicit operator BinaryNumeral(int value) { return new BinaryNumeral(value); } static public explicit operator int(BinaryNumeral binary) { return (binary.value); } static public implicit operator string(BinaryNumeral binary) { return ("Conversion not yet implemented"); } } class TestConversions { static void Main() { RomanNumeral roman; BinaryNumeral binary; roman = 10; // Perform a conversion from a RomanNumeral to a BinaryNumeral: binary = (BinaryNumeral)(int)roman; // Perform a conversion from a BinaryNumeral to a RomanNumeral: // No cast is required: roman = binary; System.Console.WriteLine((int)binary); System.Console.WriteLine(binary); // Keep the console window open in debug mode. System.Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); System.Console.ReadKey(); } } /* Output: 10 Conversion not yet implemented */ |
C# 复制代码 binary = (BinaryNumeral)(int)roman;
执行从 RomanNumeral 到 BinaryNumeral 的转换。由于没有从 RomanNumeral 到 BinaryNumeral 的直接转换,所以使用一个转换将 RomanNumeral 转换为 int,并使用另一个转换将 int 转换为 BinaryNumeral。
C# 复制代码 roman = binary;
执行从 BinaryNumeral 到 RomanNumeral 的转换。由于 RomanNumeral 定义了从 BinaryNumeral 的隐式转换,所以不需要转换。