更新:2007 年 11 月
在某些情况下,直到运行时才能知道必须将多少个谓词应用于 where 子句中的源元素。动态指定多个谓词筛选器的一种方法是使用
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// To run this sample, first specify some integer values for the command line. // The numbers 111 through 122 are all valid student IDs. // In Visual Studio or C# Express, click on Project > Properties > Debug. // Call the method: QueryByID(args); static void QueryByID(string[] ids) { var queryNames = from student in students let i = student.ID.ToString() where ids.Contains(i) select new { student.LastName, student.ID }; foreach (var name in queryNames) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", name.LastName, name.ID); } } /* Output (depends on args): 111 114 118 Garcia: 114 Garcia: 118 Omelchenko: 111 */ |
如果必须在预先确定的备选查询中进行选择,可以使用 switch 语句。在下面的示例中,studentQuery 的 where 子句随着在命令行指定的年级或年份的不同而不同。
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// To run this sample, first specify an integer value of 1 to 4 for the command line. // This number will be converted to a GradeLevel value that specifies which set of students // to query. In Visual Studio or C# Express, click on Project > Properties > Debug to specify // command line arguments. // Call the method: QueryByYear(args[0]); static void QueryByYear(string level) { GradeLevel year = (GradeLevel)Convert.ToInt32(level); IEnumerable<Student> studentQuery = null; switch (year) { case GradeLevel.FirstYear: studentQuery = from student in students where student.Year == GradeLevel.FirstYear select student; break; case GradeLevel.SecondYear: studentQuery = from student in students where student.Year == GradeLevel.FirstYear select student; break; case GradeLevel.ThirdYear: studentQuery = from student in students where student.Year == GradeLevel.FirstYear select student; break; case GradeLevel.FourthYear: studentQuery = from student in students where student.Year == GradeLevel.FourthYear select student; break; default: break; } Console.WriteLine("The following students are at level {0}", year.ToString()); foreach (Student name in studentQuery) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", name.LastName, name.ID); } } |
这些示例包含对在如何:查询对象集合(C# 编程指南)中的示例应用程序中定义的对象的引用。若要编译和运行示例,请将它们粘贴到该应用程序中的 StudentClass 类中,并在 Main 方法中添加对此方法的调用。
在改写此方法以适合您自己的应用程序时,请记住 LINQ 需要 .NET Framework 3.5 版,并且项目必须包含一个对 System.Core.dll 的引用和一条针对 System.Linq 的 using 指令。LINQ to SQL、LINQ to XML 和 LINQ to DataSet 类型需要其他 using 指令和引用。有关更多信息,请参见