更新:2007 年 11 月
查询表达式必须以 from 子句开头。另外,查询表达式还可以包含子查询,子查询也是以 from 子句开头。from 子句指定以下内容:
范围变量和数据源都是强类型。from 子句中引用的数据源的类型必须为
在下面的示例中,numbers 是数据源,而 num 是范围变量。请注意,这两个变量都是强类型,即使使用了
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class LowNums { static void Main() { // A simple data source. int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 }; // Create the query. // lowNums is an IEnumerable<int> var lowNums = from num in numbers where num < 5 select num; // Execute the query. foreach (int i in lowNums) { Console.Write(i + " "); } } } // Output: 4 1 3 2 0 |
在上一个示例中,num 被推断为 int 类型。由于范围变量是强类型,因此可以对其调用方法或者在其他操作中使用它。例如,可以不编写 select num,而编写 select num.ToString() 使查询表达式返回一个字符串序列而不是整数序列。或者,也可以编写 select n + 10 使表达式返回序列 14、11、13、12、10。有关更多信息,请参见 select 子句(C# 参考)。
复合 from 子句
在某些情况下,源序列中的每个元素本身可能是序列,也可能包含序列。例如,数据源可能是一个 IEnumerable<Student>,其中,序列中的每个 Student 对象都包含一个测验得分列表。若要访问每个 Student 元素中的内部列表,可以使用复合 from 子句。该技术类似于使用嵌套的
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class CompoundFrom { // The element type of the data source. public class Student { public string LastName { get; set; } public List<int> Scores {get; set;} } static void Main() { // Use a collection initializer to create the data source. Note that // each element in the list contains an inner sequence of scores. List<Student> students = new List<Student> { new Student {LastName="Omelchenko", Scores= new List<int> {97, 72, 81, 60}}, new Student {LastName="O'Donnell", Scores= new List<int> {75, 84, 91, 39}}, new Student {LastName="Mortensen", Scores= new List<int> {88, 94, 65, 85}}, new Student {LastName="Garcia", Scores= new List<int> {97, 89, 85, 82}}, new Student {LastName="Beebe", Scores= new List<int> {35, 72, 91, 70}} }; // Use a compound from to access the inner sequence within each element. // Note the similarity to a nested foreach statement. var scoreQuery = from student in students from score in student.Scores where score > 90 select new { Last = student.LastName, score }; // Execute the queries. Console.WriteLine("scoreQuery:"); foreach (var student in scoreQuery) { Console.WriteLine("{0} Score: {1}", student.Last, student.score); } // Keep the console window open in debug mode. Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); } } /* scoreQuery: Omelchenko Score: 97 O'Donnell Score: 91 Mortensen Score: 94 Garcia Score: 97 Beebe Score: 91 */ |
使用多个 from 子句执行联接
复合 from 子句用于访问单个数据源中的内部集合。不过,查询还可以包含多个可从独立数据源生成补充查询的 from 子句。使用此技术可以执行某些类型的、无法通过使用
下面的示例演示如何使用两个 from 子句构成两个数据源的完全交叉联接。
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class CompoundFrom2 { static void Main() { char[] upperCase = { 'A', 'B', 'C'}; char[] lowerCase = { 'x', 'y', 'z'}; var joinQuery1 = from upper in upperCase from lower in lowerCase select new { upper, lower}; var joinQuery2 = from lower in lowerCase where lower != 'x' from upper in upperCase select new { lower, upper }; // Execute the queries. Console.WriteLine("Cross join:"); foreach (var pair in joinQuery1) { Console.WriteLine("{0} is matched to {1}", pair.upper, pair.lower); } Console.WriteLine("Filtered non-equijoin:"); foreach (var pair in joinQuery2) { Console.WriteLine("{0} is matched to {1}", pair.lower, pair.upper); } // Keep the console window open in debug mode. Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); } } /* Output: Cross join: A is matched to x A is matched to y A is matched to z B is matched to x B is matched to y B is matched to z C is matched to x C is matched to y C is matched to z Filtered non-equijoin: y is matched to A y is matched to B y is matched to C z is matched to A z is matched to B z is matched to C */ |
有关使用多个 from 子句的联接操作的更多信息,请参见如何:执行自定义联接操作(C# 编程指南)。